Tummy tuck recovery week by week blog
Tummy tuck recovery week by week blog

I’m in a healthy weight range and eat a whole foods diet.His stitching is amazing and my scar is so straight and beautiful. Grant Stevens and I am so glad that I did. This is not something you want to try to save pennies on (I’m not getting paid to say this but I know ya’ll are going to ask.) I decided to go with Dr. Even though it was more expensive, I went with someone who had a wonderful reputation and was a leader in his field as well. I spent a lot of time interviewing, reviewing, and picking a surgeon. Drain-less procedures lead to lower infection rates, quicker healing times, AND they do not increase the chance of seromas forming (which is what the drains, in a non drain-less abdominoplasty, are supposed to prevent). They often seemed to cause more issues than they prevented. I’ve never had drains after any of my other abdominal surgeries and quite frankly, the thought of having open wounds for several weeks freaks me out. In my case, I think there were several other contributing factors that made it easier as well.Īfter tons of research, I decided to find a doctor well skilled in drain-less abdominoplasties. Because of this, it makes sense that this would be a much easier recovery (for me at least). During an abdominoplasty, they only cut through the top two layers. In my experience, however, this doesn’t even touch a cesarean recovery! During a c-section they cut through your skin, fat, muscle, and uterus. I’ve had c-sections (four) but I read of other’s experiences that this surgery can sometimes be more difficult to recover from. I was off heavy duty pain meds by day four and though I’m obviously still taking it easy and not running any marathons, I’m not bed bound or in pain either!

tummy tuck recovery week by week blog

If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you know that this recovery has been extremely easy on me! Which was totally unexpected! I was up and walking an hour after surgery. I was prepared for the worst and I was scared. The majority of people claimed that recovery was awful. I did so much research about abdominoplasty with diastasis recti repair and read so many reviews. I wasn’t nervous about my decision but I was nervous about recovery.

tummy tuck recovery week by week blog

I am officially one week post op today! I was so nervous leading up to surgery day. This is my Abdominoplasty Healing Update – Week 1

Tummy tuck recovery week by week blog